Reliable & Honest
It is our policy at Whitsunday Montessori to keep communication simple, fair and helpful for all parties. We always put our clients and the children's happiness, learning and safety first. We also, quite naturally, care about our staff and the best interests of the business. We encourage our clients to work positively with us to solve any issue, no matter how small, in a timely and positive manner. We consider our relationship with our clients as a strong and positive partnership working towards the the best interests of the children.

​As a client at Whitsunday Montessori you and your child will always come first and we will try to accommodate your needs as much as possible. However, we are a business and unexpected missed lessons affect our income and how we are able to run. We will always book sessions with courtesy and understanding of your needs, and likewise need you to extend to us the same degree of care by letting us know as soon as possible when a lesson or booking has to be changed.
With this in mind, once a lesson has been arranged, this booking is considered to be final, subject to this policy. That is, once you become our client you agree to pay for the arranged lesson or lessons unless specified otherwise in this document. Note that if a lesson is to be cancelled for any reason, you as our client must notify the centre immediately. In this way we can continue to provide a quality service to both yourself and your child.

What is an arranged lesson?
An arranged lesson is one which you, the client, and the centre operator have agreed to hold at a particular time on a specific date. The agreement can be verbal or written. If an agreement is reached to continue holding lessons regularly for a period of time or on an ongoing basis, it will be considered that lessons have been arranged.
Missing a Lesson
You, the client, will usually be charged for the missed lesson if insufficient notice of the cancellation is given. However, individual extenuating circumstances may be considered by the business owner.
Variation or Replacement of lessons
If the time or duration of a lesson is varied by mutual agreement, without significant inconvenience to either yourself or the teacher, the lesson shall not be taken to have been cancelled.
Cancellation period
For the purposes of this policy, sufficient notice shall be considered at least 2 days (48 hours). This provides some opportunity for other clients to take up the time slot, during the specified week or weeks. If sufficient notice is not given, you may be charged for the lesson. All our clients are encouraged to act with consideration and to provide as much notice as possible. Upon occasion, sickness or an emergency may be taken into consideration, and the cancellation period wavered at the discretion of the business owner.
Frequent cancellations
Please be mindful that maintaining regular tutoring sessions is an important way of improving educational attainment. If you cancel sessions regularly (regardless of the amount of notice given) we may decide to raise this issue with you. We understand that at times extenuating circumstances may occur. Should sessions continue to be cancelled, interfering with the centre functioning, we may decide to stop providing our tutoring services.
Stopping Lessons
If you decide to stop lessons, you need to give two weeks notice. You may be charged for these lessons if sufficient notice is not given. If a child does not turn up for a booked session two weeks in a row, without a valid explanation provided by yourself as the client, the booking will be cancelled.

Your Satisfaction Is Our Priority
At Whitsunday Montessori payments are non-refundable except if a client seeks to cancel their pre-paid lesson/s. In this instance, a refund will be given equal to the unused portion of the original payment, subject to the terms of the Cancellation Policy.

Our Policies, Procedures and our Code of Conduct are on display in our office at the 121 Business Centre in Cannonvale. Please feel free to read these when you visit, or alternatively, ask our staff for a copy.